Friday, March 02, 2007


Anger is a feeling we get for all kind of reasons...
We can get it because our rights have been enfridged(sp) on
We can get it because someone doesn't agree with us
We can get it because someone is annoying you
We can get it because someone won't listen
We can get it because we do something stupid
We can get it because you don't understand something
There are hundreds upon thousands of ways you can get angry... but should we?
What is good anger and what is bad anger?
In the Bible is tells us to be slow to anger
Proverbs 14:29
Slowness to anger makes for deep understanding; a quick-tempered person stockpiles stupidity.
James 1:19
[ Hearing and Doing the Word ] My dearly loved brothers, understand this: everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger
These are a couple verses where Christ talks about being slow to anger because of consquences
But then people go "well did not Jesus come into the temple and destroy many vendors' things? is that not anger?"

Matthew 21:11-13 (New International Version)
11The crowds answered, "This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee."
Jesus at the Temple 12Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. 13"It is written," he said to them, " 'My house will be called a house of prayer,'[a] but you are making it a 'den of robbers.'[b]"

Jesus had righteous anger... His anger was called for and it was for the betterment of men... most times we get angry its because something has happened to us... we need to get over this and make our anger righteous... anger because of what is happening in Darfur or what happened with Nazi Germany... what about the KKK? These are the type of things we need to be angry at... not little insignificant things that don't really change life...
I am very guilty of being angry... it's part of me... I realize that since i have Christ in me... I can not let that anger take control of me... I am going to try and not...

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Camp Names

Frogs are slimy; but I love Kermit
The dark is creepy; but Shadow isn't
Fried food is bad for you; but Frye is cool
Pixie's are annoying; but Pixie Dust is awesome
Pacing is dizzing; but Pacey is upright
Bears are scary; but Fozzie is amusing
Laughter is great; but Chuckles is greater
Happiness is fine; but Bubbles is better
Mice are gross; but Mouse is sweet

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Thoughts on... people

This goes out to all those who have had life changing experiences in their lives: could have been this summer like mine or earlier on in life...
When your life changed and you went back home (or if you never left home but went back to your non-Christian friends) did some of their attitudes change towards you? I had a life changing experience this summer... as some of you may know back in grade seven my grandpa Champ died of a heart attack. This devestated me... he was my inspiration... he loved me and i loved him. We had so much in common. I tried to be like him... in my walk with God right down to my favourite flower: the crimson rose. I became very secluded at school and stopped talking to people... I would mope around school... until one of my "friends" told me she thought i was depressed... this scared me so I started pretending I was always happy and hyper. Deep down I was slowly eating myself in grief. I would cry myself to sleep at night and no one knew. I always hated myself because the last thing I ever told my grandpa was NOT that I loved him like i should have but "I will see you next Sunday Grandpa"...I am still waiting for that Sunday... anyways... that's what started me on my road to where I ended up six months ago (March 2006). In grade eight that "friend" that tried to diagnose me with depression and I had a major fight and we were never friends again... i won't go in to detail... but that led me to an even bigger problem of depression. I went to high school and for some reason I just felt like an outcast there. I felt unwanted and unloved so I got even more and more depressed... I was sinking and I couldn't find myself. I felt like a fish out of water, floundering about for some water to get back into but I couldn't find it until grade ten. I found someone and she helped pull myself back together... it was going great! Everything seemed to be falling back into place... but then she came to us (our small group) and told us on the last youth group that she wasn't coming back the next year, in fact she was moving out of the city to a city about an hour and a half away. So that was kinda upsetting... I went to camp and had a minor life changing time... it didnt last... because grade eleven came... it was fine until about Decemeber... when I felt my life slipping but I didn't have the strength to lift myself out. So I let myself sink again... lower and lower... and lower and lower... until I hit almost rock bottom... more like really hard clay... I started to cut my wrists because I hated life and wanted the pain gone... I didn't like emotional pain so I thought "hey i can deal with physical pain better"... trust me... it didn't work... AT ALL! Don't try it... I fell away from God completely (yet continued to teach Sunday School... it was hard) for about four weeks... then God hit me in the face and basically said "SMARTEN UP CASSANDRA... YOU KNOW I MADE YOU FOR MORE THEN THIS... STRAIGHTEN UP YOUR ACT AND GET SPIRITUALLY READY FOR CAMP!" So I did... at that time I didn't want to give up the cutting because it was a comfort... an addiction... I needed to... but when I stopped... it wasn't overly hard... yes i still today come across temptation... but I overcome Satan each time. But getting to my point... I went to camp and had friends who loved me uncondintionally... friends that would give anything to help me... one night during worship I just broke down and prayed and prayed and prayed for at least an hour maybe an hour and a half... and my friends sat with me and prayed and prayed and prayed with me, over me, over each other, over the camp, over the kids and over the staff. After that I felt so much better... a huge burden seemed to have lifted because I could finally at least semi- forgive myself and I knew God had forgiven me. Over the summer I came across new friends and kept old friends at camp they all helped change my life. Especially one; his name is Mike... he is now my boyfriend because God brought us together through our problems. We both had a nightmare to go through yet we made it through and found each other for support. God shoved us together almost. It was great. After camp Wabana was done... I went to a camp called Territorials... Territorials was amazing! We had a two hour praise and worship night and my best friend and I grew that much closer during that week... it helped her awhole lot... I must say thank you to Kent for helping... (note for Kent: you might not know how much you actually helped!)... anyways... when I got home I knew what I was in for... but I kinda hoped I was wrong. I knew that some of my friends wouldn't like the new "passionate" "hardcore" "on fire" Christian Cassandra. Sure enough some of my friends don't really talk to me because I have different opinions on sin then them, some think sex, drugs and alcohol are perfectly fine... not me... and some think that God is a myth... definatly NOT me! I just don't understand how people can look around them and think that all this beauty was created by a big bang... NO! never! All you have to do is look... open up your eyes and see the beauty... the beauty God created... Sit on the dock under the stars with some special... right after watching half a camp give their lives to God... and you will see the beauty and just want to... sing... dance... celebrate... rejoyce... jump in the water... just have a party over the greatness and beauty of Jesus Christ our risen Saviour!
Well I must say Good night and God Bless,

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Chris Tomlin - How Great Is Our God

The splendor of the King
Clothed in majesty
Let all the earth rejoice, all the earth rejoice
He wraps himself in light
And darkness tries to hide
And trembles at His voice, And trembles at His voice

How great is our God
Sing with me
How great is our God
And all will see
How great, how great is our God

Age to age He stands
And time is in His hands
Beginning and the End, Beginning and the End
The Godhead, Three in One
Father, Spirit, Son
The Lion and the Lamb, Lion and the Lamb


Name above all names
Worthy of all praise
My heart will sing how great is our God


Okay... so this song... last night at worship we sang this song... and I realized something... I realized that all my life I have been looking for love from people... and if someone didnt love me... then it was the end of the world... of course if I didn't like them then it really didn't matter... but then last night while singing this song I realized "Why should I be looking for love in people... I have God's love... who am I to think that is not good enough... I should not even have His love yet He loves me"Another thing I realized is how often I use the words "Awesome" "Great" "Good" "Perfect" "love" and all these descriptive words to describe something that is "good"... but the thing is... these words are just as strong as the word "hate". These "good" words should be used for God and God alone...

Create In Me A Clean Heart


Create in me a clean heart, O God
And renew a right spirit within me
Create in me a clean heart, O God
And renew a right spirit within me

Cast me not away from Thy presence, O Lord
And take not Thy Holy Spirit from me
Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation
And renew a right spirit within me

This song means so much to me... some of you may know my past few months or whatever... I won't go into detail. But my spirit was broken and my heart was heavy. I arrived at camp and on the first or second night of being here... we sang this song in worship and I just broke down and cried and prayed until I could cry no longer... then I just prayed... and at the end of it my heart was not so heavy and my spirit not so broken. My friend and I talked about what had happened over the past few months... that lightened and fixed my soul and heart even more... and then the next night same thing happened... and then one night before Wabana kids came I got up in front of half the staff and some complete strangers and told my story. Told most of it anyways... didn't go into detail but went into enough detail for them to see what had happened... and I had people galore praying for me that night and I felt it... my heart was that much more fixed... and my soul too... my life is changed because of this simple song. You can go and listen to it on the internet... who knows... it may change your life too... I hum it now every time I get upset... and then I go talk to my friend

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Day!

Valentines Day has come again! Day of Love...Love one of the strongest powers on the world! God said Love is the greatest thing to can help people and do the best things on the world but with no Love it means nothing! NOTHING at all! So its no wonder that we have a day dedicated to Love! And who says that you need a boyfriend or girlfriend on this day? You have friends, family and God! Love is awesome!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Tag Your It!

~I'm stealing these from a few of my friend's sites cuz I like it!
Here we go:
Four...Jobs I've had:
1. LDP at Jackson's Point
2. LIT at Glenhuron
3. Babysitter
4. hmmm...
Movies I can watch over and over again:
1. LOTR series
2. The Musketeer (good movie...)
3. Finding Nemo
4. Save The Last Dance
Books I can read over and over again:
1. Game Of Thrones
2. Harry Potter Series
3. Tomara Pierce books
4. Jeanette (sp?) Oke books
T.V. Shows I love to watch:
1. Family Guy
2.Cartoons :)
4Places I've lived:
1. Viscount Rd. (London)
2. Aldersbrook Rd. (London)
3. Prince Philip Dr. (London)
4. Jacksons Point for the summer
Plceas I've vacationed:
1. Florida
2. Chicago
3. New York (well soon...)
4. Quebec
Favourite Foods:
1. Poutine
2. ice cream
3. Diet Coke (yeah its a drink so what!)
4. caf. muffins...mmmm
Sites I visit daily:
2. my space
3. my friends my space
Places I'd like to be right now:
1. S.A.
2. New York
3. Camp
4. S.A. (yeah so what i have repeated myself!)
People I'm tagging:
1. Domenica
2. Mandie
3. Clarissa
4. Michelle

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Liquid - Jars Of Clay

Arms nailed down
Are you telling me something?
Eyes turned out
Are you looking for someone?
This is the one thing
The one thing that I know
Blood-stained brow
Are you dying for nothing?
Flesh and blood
Is it so elemental?
This is the one thing
The one thing that I know
Blood-stained brow
He wasn't broken for nothing
Arms nailed down
He didn't die for nothing
He didn't die for nothing
This is the one thing
The one thing that I know...

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Tears...Always bad? Or sometimes good?

Oh man! I was just talking to a guy...names don't matter here...but we were talking and well he has got to be the sweetest guy out there! he was so sweet he actually made me start crying...i dont know why! I just kinda broke down and started crying! not a lot but enough to make my eyeliner run! but it really sucks because he lives across the ocean! in Saudi Arabia! so far! but yeah i had to blog about it so here it is!Cassee

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


-they call me: Cassandra
-status: Surviving
-occupation: Camp person
-best friend: Katee
-my first breath of air: September 26th 1989
-most memorable memory: being with kids at camp
-worst memory: becoming diabetic
-Love is: awesome
-Love or lust: love
-When love hurts, you: I write, draw and cry
((Opposite Sex))
-turn ons: nice features, beliefs
-Do your parent's opinion on your bf/gf matter to you: yes.
-where do you go to meet new people: youth group, camp, church
((Picky Picky))-cat or dog: cat
-short or long hair: short on guys! definatly!
-rain or shine: shine
-sun or moon: moon
-one best friend or ten acquaintances: one best friend with ten acquaintances!
-summer or winter: summer! CAMP!
-playstation or nintendo: neither...-car or motorcycle: car
-house party or club: neither...unless its calm
-how are you today: hmm...hyper?
-what pants are you wearing right now: jeans - point zero
-what shirt are you wearing right now: Hip Hop dance shirt with JPC/Wabana sweatshirt
-what does your hair look like at the moment?: different...
-how is the weather right now: dark, snowyish
-last person you talked to on the phone: my mommy
-last dream you can remember:lol that Mike and I were being hunted down by someone...dont know who dont know where...
-who are you talking to right now: Mary and Domenica
((More About You))
-what are the last four digits of your phone number: why do you want to know?
-if u were a crayon, what color would you be ? aquaish greenish blueish
-what's the next cd you are going to buy: Anberlin
-have you ever won any special award: of special
-how many kids do you want to have: as many as God allows me to
-shampoo: dunno...whatever is up there
-how many TV's do you have in your house: 2
-do you have your own TV: no
-who do you dream about: someone...dont ask
-who do you tell your dreams to: friends...ppl
((Have You Ever))
-drank: no alcoholic drinks...water and diet coke? yes
-stayed in your pj's all day: yeah
-left your province: yeah
-drank milk straight from the carton: ewwww no! i dont like milk!
-tripped up the stairs: all the time...where is the fun if you dont?
-tummy ache: aww i used to get them every night
-wished upon a star: no...who does that?
-had it come true: my prayers have!
-slapped someone: hmm...hard? not really (do little brother's count?)
-danced like a maniac: yeah i was accused of being on drugs once
-chased a butterfly: when i was a kid...okay okay last summer
-gone on a cruise: no...dont i wish
-driven a motor boat: no been in one...not driven it tho
-put salt on a slug and watched it shrivel up: who is sick enough to do that?!!?
-burned stuff just because: of course at camp...we tried burning frye's school work and some lemonaide!
-been called a pyro: camp! lol
-seen a ghost: nope...ghosts dont exist...only demons and angels!
-had something published: hmm..cant remember
-written on money: no! i spend it to fast! lol
-lost someone you cared about: grandpa!
-ran away: yeah...awhole
-punched a wall: hurts tho...wouldnt recommend it
-punched a person: again do little brothers count?
-talked to a street sign: no but i know someone who has talked to a mailbox downtown Chicago! lol!
-shopped at wal-mart for over an hour: Of course! Wal*Mart is the ultimate store!
-been a hero: i dont know...probably!
-taken a picture of yourself: yeah all the time! i cant get enough of myself! lol j/k but yeah i have!
-had a journal: yeah a prayer journal
-worn mardi-gras beads: not that i can remember...they bug me
-been to Mardi-gras: ha ha ha no!
-heard a damaging story about your parents when they were younger/or older: who hasnt?
-heard of blind melon: huh?!
-started a trend: who knows?
-been to a rally (for a cause, not a pep-rally): umm kinda...
-given up on your dreams: depends....-had your dreams come true: depends...
-seen someone as your guardian angel: yeah...God
-protested the national anthem by not standing when everyone else does: no...i think that is rude!
-been to a sit-in: huh?
-had a pen-pal: well yeah but we never wrote
-gone out with one of your best friends: not yet
-put a message in a bottle: no but i think i had a dream once...
-sent a telegram: they still exist?
-received flowers: yeah from my grandpa
-listened to a sea-shell: yeah its cool
-been stung by a jellyfish: no but my grandpa was
-been on tv: of diabetic!
-played tag when you were over the "acceptable" age: whats the "acceptable" age?
-notice patterns in the time (11:11, 12:34, etc...): all the time
-had your mom show off embarrassing baby pictures of you when your were little to your friends/boyfriend: not so much my mom as my dad
-been arrested: nope
-been put in jail: nope
-been put on trial: nope
-re-named yourself: tried in grade 6
-followed someone just because: all the time...when i get bored at the mall
-been stalked: yeah it was creepy!
-stalked someone: again at the mall
-lived a day like it was your last day: depends...
-had your 15 minutes of fame: no because i am saving it
-been in a band: at school?
-started a band: ha ha ha always dreamed to...
-had a real conversation with your parents, with NO lies whatsoever: Yeah of course because... Liars burn in Hell
-sat and watched smoke float through the air: umm...depends on the type of smoke...
-want to be somewhere with someone so much it made you cry: ummm..not recently
-played a practical joke: yeah when i was younger i put salt in my bros drink
-had a practical joke played on you: attempts...they dont work i.e. the chainsaw at camp
((People Think))
-my father thinks I am: strange...i have mood swings
-my mother thinks I am: her little gurl
-you are often complimented for: being weird
-you get embarrassed when: someone says something about someone i like
-what makes you happy: friends
-upsets you: having friends get mad at me or another friend
((Yes or No))
-you keep a diary: sometimes
-you like to cook: yes-you have a secret you have not shared with anyone: yes.
-you're in love: do we know what love is?
-you set your watch a few minutes ahead: point to it
-you bite your fingernails: when i am nervous
((I Statements))
-i am: eating popcorn
-i want: diet coke
-i have: an itchy nose
-i wish: that some ppl would see some stuff
-i hate: satan-i miss: camp
-i fear: spiders/demons/heights
-i hear: Jeremy Camp
-i search: for freedom
-i wonder: why people swear
-i regret: saying some stuff
-i lie: i try not to
-i always: screw up
-i am not: going to back down
-i dance: for the Lord
-i cry: when people dont see the Way
-i am not always: happy
-i write: a whole lot
-i win: my battle
-i lose: my sin
-i confuse: most
-i need: nothing that God won't or hasnt already given me
-i should: witness

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Okay...this is for Mary

Okay Mary...I am updating my blog...happy? lol! well...there's not much to say...I am very happy that my friend is back! We are having so much fun hanging out and doing random his cat is attacked Emily! lol! That was funny! Let's see...well today I had a random attack that I just needed to pray so I asked my teacher if I could leave and get a friend and she let Domenica and I went and talked over some things that we have both been thinking... I just ask each and everyone who is reading this if you would just pray for me and some of my friends...there are some hardships coming soon...please pray! That is all I ask!

Monday, January 09, 2006


Depression? It is really scary! The random times I get the little burst of depression I have no idea why I do...but I have problems breathing and I just want to curl up and cry and cry and cry and cry and cry until I can't cry in math class it happened...not easy...some may say "oh this must be guy related" its not...i dont think... some will say "its nothing" but i dont think thats so either....i dont know....i just wish it wouldnt happen so often....twice in the past 24 hours....its never been so close together...they scare me and i dont know what to do with them but let them take their course...though they usually leave me extremely sad and depressed after them...unless theyre at night...which they quite often are...anyways I am sure all of you really dont want to hear about my problems so I will go now

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Prayers Answered!

Hey everyone! I have had an awesome week this week! I can only thank one person...GOD!!! He has just answered some prayers that I have been longing for to be answered...just a few more steps and it will complete! I am soooo excited!! Man! I could never ever ever turn my back on God...I dont know where I would be without Him!!! I would probably be dead...without God I would have probably not survived to see my fifteenth I thank Him from the bottom of my heart right up to the top of brain!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH LORD!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Christmas time!!

Christmas time is upon us! It is a time for love, laughter, sharing, caring and friends! But most importantly it is a time to remember that Christ came to the world...later on in the year we celebrate the fact that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and rose again three days later...this is called Easter...yes Easter is not a time for chocolate and eggs but a time of reverance towards God and all the sacerfices He made. But as it is not Easter yet, we'll stick with Christmas and why it is important! Many people think that Christmas is all about buying gifts for others, being with family, eating a lot of food and gorging on candy...yeah those things are important and all but guess what...those aren't the most important things about Christmas!! Christmas is about remembering that little baby asleep in the hay...Jesus...We've all heard the Christmas Story with Jesus, Mary and Joseph in Bethleham in the stable out back of an overcrowded inn...but do we ever actually take time to slow down and think of the fact that Jesus chose to come and GIVE us His life so that we may enter His courts! People have made Christmas into a secular craze...with Santa and his reindeer and stockings and trees and tinsel and lights and candy and presents the list goes on and on! Without Christ there would be no Christmas! Like come on! Even the word Christmas has Christ in it.... CHRISTmas...guess what...even Xmas has Christ in it...did u know that in Greek or Latin the name Christ starts with an X...I do believe it is spelt Xchristo...and actually a Christian man started using "Xmas" to shorten Christmas on a even saying "Merry Xmas" you are really still saying "Merry Christmas" matter how you go about end up still with Christmas...even this whole new thing about "Winter Holidays" is really Christmas...because we sing Christmas songs in choir and play Christmas songs in band...and sing Christmas carols at Christmas Music Night...You can't stop Christmas....Nor can you take Christ out of Christmas!

Friday, November 18, 2005


Music...cant live without it!! honestly! i love long as its the right music...its gotta first pass the Bible it True? Is it Honest? Is it holy? Is it upright? Is it pure? Is it pleasing to God? Basic Bible test on it! Man I thank God for all the music...seriously! how dull would life be without music?? i love it!! God is good to us!! AMEN

Friday, November 11, 2005


Christians - we fight all the time? anyone else realize that? its a u say this i say that! kind of thats how wars start! and guess what! God calls us to unite under Him...not to argue amongst ourselves...we are suppose to be out witnessing not sitting at home arguing on whether or not you believe exactly the same thing...its like reading a book, say Harry person may think one thing about it and another person another thing about it...but theyre not going to bash each others heads in because they think different things...yet christians seem to do that...and plus we as christians say we want to follow God's word...yet most of us dont go help those in need of help! God says we are to help those in need of help...hurricane katrina happened we as christians need to help out! please! consider this...for more info on this kind of thing go to a few sites: