Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Christmas time!!

Christmas time is upon us! It is a time for love, laughter, sharing, caring and friends! But most importantly it is a time to remember that Christ came to the world...later on in the year we celebrate the fact that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and rose again three days later...this is called Easter...yes Easter is not a time for chocolate and eggs but a time of reverance towards God and all the sacerfices He made. But as it is not Easter yet, we'll stick with Christmas and why it is important! Many people think that Christmas is all about buying gifts for others, being with family, eating a lot of food and gorging on candy...yeah those things are important and all but guess what...those aren't the most important things about Christmas!! Christmas is about remembering that little baby asleep in the hay...Jesus...We've all heard the Christmas Story with Jesus, Mary and Joseph in Bethleham in the stable out back of an overcrowded inn...but do we ever actually take time to slow down and think of the fact that Jesus chose to come and GIVE us His life so that we may enter His courts! People have made Christmas into a secular craze...with Santa and his reindeer and stockings and trees and tinsel and lights and candy and presents the list goes on and on! Without Christ there would be no Christmas! Like come on! Even the word Christmas has Christ in it.... CHRISTmas...guess what...even Xmas has Christ in it...did u know that in Greek or Latin the name Christ starts with an X...I do believe it is spelt Xchristo...and actually a Christian man started using "Xmas" to shorten Christmas on a even saying "Merry Xmas" you are really still saying "Merry Christmas" matter how you go about end up still with Christmas...even this whole new thing about "Winter Holidays" is really Christmas...because we sing Christmas songs in choir and play Christmas songs in band...and sing Christmas carols at Christmas Music Night...You can't stop Christmas....Nor can you take Christ out of Christmas!