Friday, November 18, 2005


Music...cant live without it!! honestly! i love long as its the right music...its gotta first pass the Bible it True? Is it Honest? Is it holy? Is it upright? Is it pure? Is it pleasing to God? Basic Bible test on it! Man I thank God for all the music...seriously! how dull would life be without music?? i love it!! God is good to us!! AMEN

Friday, November 11, 2005


Christians - we fight all the time? anyone else realize that? its a u say this i say that! kind of thats how wars start! and guess what! God calls us to unite under Him...not to argue amongst ourselves...we are suppose to be out witnessing not sitting at home arguing on whether or not you believe exactly the same thing...its like reading a book, say Harry person may think one thing about it and another person another thing about it...but theyre not going to bash each others heads in because they think different things...yet christians seem to do that...and plus we as christians say we want to follow God's word...yet most of us dont go help those in need of help! God says we are to help those in need of help...hurricane katrina happened we as christians need to help out! please! consider this...for more info on this kind of thing go to a few sites:

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Spiritual Gifts
Here is a site to go see what you're spiritual gift is! I hope you enjoy :)


Okay, a positive post instead of venting! I love my friends! Friends keep your morals up! I know I can trust them! Well most of know who you are if I trust you! I love them all to bits! I wish I could just spend hours upon hours dancing away with them to some awesome-wicked Christian music! I love them all! Theres so many I can't even name them all! Woot!! Love yah guys! Muah!!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Laughing Out Loud...Are We Really? of the most common phrases used on the "net"...but many times do you say it in a conversation...some people they say it after EVERYTHING! some rarely say many people actually are laughing? I can pretty well guess that only about 0.00001 % of those people actually laugh when they say LOL...why am I writing this...I don't I said this Blog is about my thoughts, my feelings and my beliefs...You can't change them...I am sorry...Laughing Out an expression to get out of ackward say you say something really stupid on can not take it back so you say "lol" as though you are joking...right now jokes are the last thing everyone needs...i think were all about this close to falling off of the edge! I know it...

Life? Life? Life? what is there to do in life? nothing? sit here? man i know what i should be doing...but i hate being alone...i am home alone so much! nothing to one to talk to...yeah theres chatting on msn and habbo etc. but that can only get you so far!! man...i really dont know what to do...i wish someone could come and help me...i wish someone could come and talk to me one on one...without some how poking fun at me or something...not even on the phone either...face to face...listening what i have to say...thinking seriously about what i am going through...i hear so much whining...ive given up on going on anymore because all it is is: "oh boo-hoo my boyfriend is sick" "boo-hoo i want a boyfriend" "boo-hoo my boyfriend has gone a trip for the weekend" i hear no things like "I need prayer for this friend who is about to kill her/himself" anymore because people fill it with crap...crap about boys...listen God chooses what and when you get a me im still waiting...i thought...nevermind i think i thought wrong...if i havent i dont know whats going on...but thats not the point is life needs some spicing up and i need someone...close to my age to talk to...someone who can face to face talk with me about things in life...well i'll stop wasting ur time...not that anyone will probably read about this ill stop wasting my time...